Managing research

Managing customer and competitive insights

Derek Osgood avatar
Written by Derek Osgood
Updated over a week ago

Managing research in Ignition

Ignition makes it simple to collect customer insights and competitive insights, and then tie them to your roadmaps and GTM plans. It can automate much of your work around gathering these insights, and becomes a powerful knowledge base as you start to make connections between learnings and plans and performance.

  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ Items in Research can be re-used across Launch Plans using Connections. Anything created inside a GTM Plan will appear in your overall repository, and items in your repository can be tagged to a GTM Plan to appear inside it.

Customer Research

The customers tab is where you'll find your Personas, as well as any research or insights that inform them. There's a few things you can do here:

  • Building Personas – The Personas tab is fairly straightforward. You can build your Personas here and fill them in with any relevant details you want your cross-functional teams to know. Any Persona created within a Launch Plan will also appear here.

  • Conducting Research Studies – From the Studies tab, you can create customer research studies for a variety of topics. Just pick the type of research you want to conduct, and follow the steps in the flow. Ignition will ask you a few questions about the product you're researching, generate a best-practice-based study, then give you the option to load in a list of recipients you'd like to collect data from. You can always preview the survey or edit the message they'll receive as well.

  • Enriching Personas with Insights & Testimonials – You can also document any learnings from customer conversations, or testimonials they've given you, here. By tagging these to Personas, they'll appear within that Persona everywhere it exists.

Competitive Intel

The Competitors tab is where you'll build automated battlecards, and conduct Win/Loss analysis to understand why you're winning or losing deals. There's a few things you can do here:

  • Battlecards – Building a battlecard in Ignition couldn't be simpler! Just drop in a competitor's URL and we'll build it for you! Then, you can customize any fields you like. We'll automatically refresh this data on a regular basis, so you're always up-to-date.

  • Win/Loss Analysis – If you use a supported CRM, you can connect your CRM from the Win/Loss tab and automatically visualize performance against specific competitors across different timeframes, complete with insights into why deals were won or lost.

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